Agency Account Manager







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Our client is a dynamic and growing independent agency specializing in brand, design and content. With a vibrant company culture and stunning Grey Lynn offices, they are looking for an exceptional Account Manager to join their team.  

You will work closely with the Account Director and have the opportunity to take on your own smaller projects, managing everything from client briefings to project delivery. You’ll be the main point of contact, ensuring smooth communication and seamless execution of creative work.  

The ideal candidate will have:

- Experience from an agency environment

- An understanding of the fundamentals of client service and project management

- Exceptional attention to detail and strong organizational skills

- The ability to think on your feet, take initiative and collaborate to deliver great results

This is an office-based role, working 4 productive days/week on full salary, with bonus potential.

An amazing opportunity to work with an inspiring team, on high profile client work.

If 2025 is your year for a new role, send your CV now!